When catastrophe strikes, we know you need immediate support. Our adjusters are located throughout the Northeast which allows us to respond immediately with adjusters on the scene. With over 25 years of handling catastrophic events, New York Intelligence Solutions has the proven expertise you can count on.
In addition to our own team of adjusters, our extensive network of independent adjustment professionals allows us to handle high volumes of property losses during a catastrophe with highly experienced adjusters on-hand quickly. We will handle these difficult situations with the respect and professionalism, the expediency that this type of claim requires, and continued assistance throughout the process.
Our Catastrophic Services feature:
In addition to our own team of adjusters, our extensive network of independent adjustment professionals allows us to handle high volumes of property losses during a catastrophe with highly experienced adjusters on-hand quickly. We will handle these difficult situations with the respect and professionalism, the expediency that this type of claim requires, and continued assistance throughout the process.
Our Catastrophic Services feature:
- Immediate Response
- Continuous Communication
- Expedited Processing
- Quality Control